Table of Contents
Introduction… 4
Stress is a Funny Thing… 5
Orthomolecular Medicine and You… 9
Origin of the Problem… 10
Metabolic Correction… 12
The History of Metabolic Correction… 13
Why Metabolic Correction?… 16
– 1 Inferior nutritional value of food and availability of nutrient-dense foods… 16
– 2 Adverse side effects of medication and iatrogenic deaths… 16
– 3 Compensate for the increased demand for nutrients due to the disease state… 16
Biochemical Mechanism of Metabolic Correction… 17
Deficiency, Marginal deficiency, Insufficiency… 19
10 principles that identify the concept of Metabolic Correction in disease therapy… 19
Conclusion… 21
References… 22
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